Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Week#4 - RSS

">I just finished reading about RSS feeds and set up my own account. I have 13 feeds that are coming in from library info to npr radio. I have already done some of this in my own time in the past. I have downloaded NPR's car talk and This American Life to my itunes at home and then added to my fiance's IPOD. We then listen to the latest version of the show on the road.

If Libraries were to have storytimes recorded, they could link them for people to download to listen to later for their kids. They could also record meetings or chats that different groups had at the library.

Here is my link to my bloglines account.

I tried Feedster. It was interested because you could put in any subject that you wanted and find lots of feeds, even from other countries. I thought these were a good way to find new interesting feeds that you didn't know that was out there but I prefer to go to the items actual web page and get the link from there.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Week #3

Okay, Im late..I admit it. Last week was so crazy that I didnt have time to do this. So here I am. I have used Flicker before. I do not have my own account. I choose not to post pictures of myself or my family on the internet because I am not ready yet to have my pictures for the whole world to see. I am even having problems posting pictures of my pets. You never know who may come and try to kidnap them. But anyway, Flicker is great. I enjoy going from picture to picture to see what I can find. I found a picture of a pug (this is the next pet that I would like to have one day).
I tried some of the different 3rd party items. Alot of them were very cool. Making your own librarian trading card is hilarious but yet again I am not comfortable putting my picture up yet. Looking through the colorful pictures was great if you were choosing to search that way. Alot of these seem to be fun little tidbits to work with but I do not know who would have the time.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Week #2 - Blogging

It is still Thursday and I am already onto week #2. I am feeling better about this and catching up to others (you know who you are).

So here is what I am thinking about the 7.5 learning skills.

A couple of things I am pretty sure of. #1 being "view problems as challenges". I have no problem doing this. When a lot of things fall on my plate, I start worrying about being able to finish them. But "having confidence in myself" allows me to realize that I can and will finish everything that I put my mind too.

I do have a hard time "beginning with the end in mind" because sometimes I can't see where the end is until about halfway through the project or problem.

My favorite part of the learning skills was "play" ( I am sure this is everyone's) because this is what allows me to get through my day. I enjoy having a good time and laughing with others. Working in groups is one of my favorite things to do to get what needs to be done accomplished.

Week #1 Introduction

It's Thursday of week #1 and I am just starting unlike other fellow staff members who have bypassed me already.